07-31-19_HEI_Everglades-67-Edit-Edit Smart Photo - Holly Elmore Portfolio

Holly Elmore Portfolio

07-31-19 According to the Everlgades Society for Historic Preservation sign on the next door Joanie's Blue Crab Cafe, the filling station was the first concrete building in the Ochopee community. Established in 1928, Ochopee was once a prosperous tomato-farming community.
07-31-19_HEI_Everglades-67-Edit-Edit Smart Photo - Holly Elmore Portfolio
07-31-19 According to the Everlgades Society for Historic Preservation sign on the next door Joanie's Blue Crab Cafe, the filling station was the first concrete building in the Ochopee community. Established in 1928, Ochopee was once a prosperous tomato-farming community.