Fingertip Press - Holly Elmore Portfolio

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The Fingertip Press is Holly’s nomenclature for her published articles, documents, and other written communication. Holly Elmore Images are integral to the Fingertip Press’ print media, photojournalism, and industry documents.


National Print Media



A two-page photo essay, Bee Swarms: Nature’s Way to Grow Strong Bee Populations, educates on the important role bee swarms play in propagating bee populations, both from the size of and the number of colonies. The photos were taken in Boulder, Colorado when Holly stumbled upon a beekeeper retrieving a bee swarm from one of his hives.


A six-page feature article, Restoring Pollinator Populations, gives an overview of challenges facing pollinator populations along with tips for pollinator-friendly gardens. Holly researched and wrote the article along with providing the images.
In addition, Holly’s garden image was used for the issue wrap cover.


A seven-page, multiple-article feature, An Icon in Sustainability and Hickory Grove Farm: Regenerative Agriculture Revives Soils & Local Ecosystems, gives an overview of Kennesaw State University’s (KSU) stellar sustainability commitment at the Michael A. Leven School of Culinary Sustainability & Hospitality, The Commons (KSU’s Gold LEED-certified dining hall), and Hickory Grove Farm. Holly provided the copy and photographs for the publication feature.

EI Digital & Print Books


The From Macro to Micro to Nanoplastics article book is an excerpt from the October 2019 Regeneration in ACTION Magazine article, Plastics: a double-edged sword.

Photos are courtesy of Holly Elmore Images.

Soft cover, magazine-style books are available for purchase at $11.99 each plus delivery; volume-purchase discounts are given. Purchase the book.

A portion of the book proceeds is donated to Elemental Impact.


Blueberries, from blossoms to fruit, a Fingertip Press Snippet Story, is an online published book that documents the progression of neighborhood blueberries along with historical recounts.

Photos are courtesy of Holly Elmore Images.

Online Magazines

In addition to writing the Elemental Impact (Ei) website copy, the Fingertip Press publishes three online magazines:

Regeneration in ACTION (RiA) Magazine – an Ei online magazine launched in 2009 to document the challenges, successes & lessons learned for the Zero Waste Zones program. The magazine evolved into an in-depth documentation of Ei’s work within the Recycling Refinement Platform and broad zero waste topics. In June 2018, the magazine name evolved to Regeneration in ACTION to reflect Ei’s expanded focus on Nature PrevailsSoil Health and Water Use | Toxicity. On June 4, 2023 the RiA Magazine topped 550,000 views.

The IMPACT Magazine – an Ei on-line magazine launched in 2010 to document Ei’s work in areas other than Zero Waste, Nature Prevails, Soil Heath, and Water Use | Toxicity. On December 29, 2023, The IMPACT Magazine surpassed 225,000 views.

Sustainability of the Spirit – a cousin to the Ei Magazines, the Sustainability of the Spirit Blog launched in June 2016 as Holly’s personal expression.

The magazine article, Regeneration in ACTION Magazine tops 550,000 views, celebrates the strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics.

Documentary Work

As a celebration of Ei’s ten-year anniversary a series of A Decade of Impact articles published in early 2020 that document the important work accomplished during the specified period. Each article is supported by a comprehensive photo album with pictorial recounts.

A Decade of Impact: History & Background - chronicles the Zero Waste Zone’s formation along with the plethora of media attention and awards received in 2009.

A Decade of Impact: Era of Recycling Refinement – provides a comprehensive overview of the important work accomplished, honors & awards received, and many other successes during the Era of Recycling Refinement, inception through June 2017.

A Decade of Impact: Era of Regeneration – introduces the new era and chronicles accomplishments as well as current work-in-progress within the Nature Prevails, Soil Heath, and Water Use|Toxicity platforms.

For additional Fingertip Press work in industry magazines and published documents, visit the Holly Elmore Enterprises The Fingertip Press page.

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