About - Holly Elmore Portfolio

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An avid nature | urban photographer, Holly expresses her creative spirit through the camera lens and photojournalism.

Holly's eclectic career path includes multiple facets ranging from the corporate arena (Arthur Andersen Auditor & Trammell Crow Controller) to the foodservice industry (owner of a corporate catering business & restaurants) to sustainability-industry leader (Zero Waste Zones & Earth Impact (Ei) Founder). In addition, Holly is a respected photojournalist with prominent articles and photographs featured in national publications.

As Ei Founder & CEO, Holly’s professional life often includes extensive travel with excellent photography opportunities. In 2018, Holly presented on the closing plenary panel at the WorldChefs Congress in Kuala Lumpur; Holly’s topic was The Profitability of Waste: the business case for food waste reduction, and her presentation was full of Holly Elmore Images photos.

In May 2018, Holly presented on Creating Your Legacy: making an impact with your photography at the 2018 Phlorographers Unite workshop hosted in Denver, CO. The HEI Making an Impact with Photography video served as an intro to Holly’s presentation.

The Fingertip Press page details Holly’s published photojournalism and documentary work in a wide array of formats and over a myriad of topics. Holly’s communication skills extend into oracle realms; the Ei Speaking Engagement page lists her many prominent engagements.

One of Holly’s talents is “seeing” interconnections within creative chaos necessary for structure to ground into tangible action. Using her profound communication skills, Holly is a master at simplifying complicated scenarios into manageable segments with associated detailed, chronological tasks. Launching the Zero Waste Zones (2009,) the Sustainable Food Court Initiative (2011,) and the Regenerative Working Group (2020) exemplify her uncanny talent.

Holly’s front and backyards are the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots; the front yard is restricted to only native plants and designed to provide food and habit for local wildlife. The backyard includes a food forest, a vegetable, herb, and edible-flower garden, and a banana-food waste-compost circle. As a haven for wildlife, especially a plethora of insects and feathered friends, Holly is gifted with an amazing nature-photography studio outside her front and back doors. … and the insects and blossoms are often eager to pose for lovely portraits!

After residing in Atlanta for 40 years, 37 years in her ultra-urban condo, Holly returned to her hometown, Sarasota, FL, in 2021. Ei’s global headquarters relocated along with Holly. With gorgeous beaches mere minutes away, Holly enjoys living in paradise with her three feline children, The Mighty Quinn, Arial, and Doodle Girl.

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